Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Trolls, Flame Wars & Cyberstalkers ~ New Blog

I opened a new blog today, titled Trolls, Flame Wars & Cyberstalkers. http://cyberstalkers.blogspot.com/

I wanted to separate Thoughts And Considerations from blogs that deal with these subjects. I want Thoughts And Considerations to be a more positive blog that deals with different subjects. Also, many of my readers (at least right now) do not have predator, troll, flame wars, cyberstalking or psychopath behavior problems with others.

The new blog is only in test condition right now, and I will be working on it (with some help) the next few days or so. I do have a lot of blogs I have been working on and promised to write on for people. I also have some blogs that I need to finish concerning the Internet behavior from people that many of my readers know.

Like I said before, the new blog is in construction right now, and I will have a header page and am looking for a title. (Katie's Louge works great for Thoughts & Considerations, but I need something different for this new blog. Any suggestions?)

I have many blogs that I am also working on for Thoughts & Considerations, and at first when I put a blog on Trolls, Flame Wars & Cyberstalkers, I will alert the readers here that a new blog is on.

BTW readers, Fighter from Cyberpaths, wrote an excellent article today on Cyberbullies. Very informative, important and has excellent links. http://cyberpaths.blogspot.com/ I encourage all to read this and check out the links provided in the blog.

Have a great evening.



  1. WEll, sonmeone(s) certainly is liable for libel in my case...I have all the proof I need to take them to court... they ought to be glad I'm a real christian. I'm just glad no one of import believes their out right lies!!! Thanks for this Kats...I too, don't want any of this on my blog. Yeach!! and you can delete this if you want!

  2. Excellent idea! Not only will it make it easier to keep track of other garbage on the web when it is set apart like that, it will be a good service to others who have been burned by people like that.

    Go get 'em!
