Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Reflections Concerning My Life And Things I Want To Write On

Reflections Concerning My Life And Things I Want To Write On

I have caught the flu of blogging the last few days. Pretty much like a sickness to a degree, but one that is important, and with me, has my own personal stories, of which and what to write about. Blogs are so extremely important, as there is just so much to say, and as a writer, with the Internet, there is no better way to reach the public, to say things we want to say in our heart as bloggers, and I , as I include "we" as bloggers, aim to reach those that have some identification that understand (or hopes of) , while we try and reach ourselves.

I have noticed with myself, that I want to only concentrate on what is familiar with me, and stories I can identify with, and this is somewhat concerning and something I need to work on. I have so many opinions on so many things, concerning life, religion, politics, children, pets, history, disasters, etc., and the list goes on and on, but at this point and time I feel comfortable with what is personal with my life, childhood, and experiences familiar with me.

Maybe this is a good thing, and will help me work on other things to come with what I want to communicate further. It took me forever and days to figure out what I wanted to say in my profile in my blog, and after I did, I realized that the majority of the things I wrote were important to me via songs, books, movies, etc. as it was part of my life, in some shape or another. Now, how do I deal with that? Do I explain this in my writings to the blogger viewer public, so that I can overcome this and find the ability to write more? To expand on other subjects? Will the blog readers understand?

For example, with the majority of the books I listed as read, (which trust me, I have read a great deal more, coming from the parent of an English Professor, if your school teacher does not make you read the required reading, my mother did) all had something to do with my life in one way or another. MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL held a personal interest to me, as I was living in Savannah Georgia when this happened. My apartment was only 3 blocks from downtown Savannah. And I personally meet the character who had the leash without the dog on it, walking the streets of Savannah. I did not really know why he did this until after this book was written, but, at least I now know why he did that. Talk about dedicated. And loyal.

I also listed in my readings, THE JACK TALES. THE JACK TALES by the way, the picture on this blog is an original pencil drawing of Richard Chase, back in the seventies, and he is well known for wearing the eye patch.) The JACK TALES are a series of books written by Richard Chase. I try and keep up with this, but many people do not really know a great deal of his works, unless from the south. These are wonderful stories for children, as well as adults, full of humor and folk tales from the mountains, and are still popular in book stores. Richard Chase was a dear friend of mine, and from Alabama, and we spent hours upon hours of reading, me to him, as his eyesight was failing when I worked for him, and cared for him back in the early eighties. He was a character all in his own, and my husband and I own his type writer that he wrote all his stories on, given to us, not long before he died. His type writer will eventually find a very special place in a museum, or somewhere special, which we work on all the time, even though it is hard to let go with us. Richard Chase also held the affectionate name of Uncle Dick, and this can also be found amoung his works.

The most wonderful book that needs a plug is, WHEN HELL WAS IN SESSION by Jerry Denton, who was my Dad's best friend, roommate in college and after college when my Dad and Mom were married they lived together, and Jerry Denton graduated from the Naval Academy with my Dad. This book tells of the Vietnam War, and his plane was shot down, and he was able to find away through notes to other prisoner of war soldiers to keep their cool, and comfort. He was the one that was forced to go on TV that he was treated well, and blinked his eyes in SOS of HELP, TORTURE. It did take reporters a while to realize this, thinking something was in his eyes, but finally realized, it was SOS. Spine thrilling book and true and a must read.

My other favorite book listed in my profile is TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD written by Harper Lee. I can remember where she lived as a child, as my family lived in Monroeville Alabama, which is a very small town, and even with her glory on this book, she never lost her roots. The court room in that book was a complete duplicate of the court room in Monroeville. Truman Capote who helped her write this book, was also pretty much a descendant from Monroeville, and helped her greatly with this book. And, for all that think Harper Lee is dead, she is not, and her sister, well in her nineties, is an Attorney, and still practices law, or she was the last time I saw her, less than a year ago.

I guess I am very fortunate to have these experiences to tell, and I am proud that I do, but I am trying to find away to express myself on other things that are important in my life. And with time, I think I will. We all have to find our way to get to where we eventually want to be, and even in our age, no matter what that age is, we still have to remind ourselves, as we did our children, that you have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and sometimes, that ain't easy.

If at least I did nothing else, I might have struck a chord for others to remember these books and this part of history. Life sometimes does that to us. And is a good thing. And I am hoping with these good things, that I can find other ways to write and make a difference.

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