Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Memories With My Grand Boys

I kissed my grand boys good bye yesterday and helped them pack to visit their other grand parents for awhile. I am going to miss them.

I was lucky that I had them for most of the holidays, but Easter turned out to be very special, and my heart broke to see the car leave the yard. But, my daughter is leaving for war in a few short weeks, and Easter was the open space of time she had to take them halfway to be met by the other grandparents.

To help them get excited about the trip, Saturday Renee and I put a project together for them to work on. It turned out very well, as Renee is very much into scrapbooking, and had a lot of things they could use with their craft project.

We helped them make a picture frame out of a CD case with pictures of them in it to give to their grandparents on their dad's side as an Easter Gift. They did such a wonderful job and had such a good time doing it. And were quite picky amoung the hundred of things they could choose from when it came to decorating it.

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The above CD picture holder was made by the youngest grandson, who is 3, and except for helping him with the words of Grandma, he picked out and placed all the items on the front and back of the CD case. For his age, I was very amazed at how well and with such thought he did this.

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Our oldest grandson, age 5 did the above CD, and he also did such an amazing job. They both had such a great time and experience doing this. They both also decorated a cup for them, which turned out well.

That night when we put the boys to bed and waited what like seemed for hours for them to fall asleep so that we could put their little Easter Baskets together, and call it a night for ourselves, as we knew the boys would get up early to see what the rabbit had left them. She and I parted over comments that this had been a really good day and how much fun the boys had had.

Easter morning, we all had a big breakfast and we helped the boys with the dye for the Easter Eggs, and then the decorating began.

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While Renee and I were helping the boys decorate the eggs, My husband, Jim, was outside hiding the plastic eggs with the surprises inside, and we sneaked out to help Jim while they were so intense with decorating their eggs.

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We took several pictures of the boys, but this one is so funny. You see that huge red flower? The three year old ran up to it while hunting eggs as it was so pretty and yelled "Mom, look at this pretty flo - and paused - Hey, I found an Easter egg."

It was so comical. Jim had placed a egg on top of flower.

Soon after the egg hunt we helped Renee get things in the car and held and kissed the boys goodbye, and told them how much we loved them and would miss them.

By the way, does anyone know what kind of flower that is? Our knowledge of plants is very small, yet we are trying to learn anything and everything we can about the plants and trees in our yard.

I have wonderful memories of my grandboys while here, and I will miss them so much while they are gone, and this Easter memory is one that I don't think I will ever forget.

So, until they return, I am hoping to blog as much as I can. (trust me, when I can depends on how the day is going and what needs to be given attention to more.)
