September 29th, I got a comment from my good friend Michele from her wonderful blog Concerning the Spirit Of Christmas Award at Rocky Mountain Retreat. The award is a Santa Clause Reward pretty much, based on blogs that have touched the hearts of others, and one I humbly accept and am honored that she would think of me to give me this award. Remember all, Christmas is closer than we think, and the spirit of the holiday gives us much to think about.
To know more about the award, click
This is what Santa himself says about this award:
Ho! Ho! Ho! Everyone
As we are now into the last 90 days before Christmas I am releasing my next group of the Christmas Spirit Award.
This award is for those who talk about and show the spirit of Christmas in their blogs.
What is the Spirit of Christmas you ask?
Quite simply it is those that have a generous and giving nature. Those who care about others. Those who have a kind word to say or a broad shoulder to lean on in the times that others need that. Those who display the "Spirit of Christmas".
This is the only award that I am releasing that you may pass on to others. I am giving it to five and you should too. Those that have touched your heart with their kind and giving and caring nature.
As always,
Santa ô¿ô
Choosing of who I think deserves this award in reality is not an easy task. I have so many online and blogger friends that are so kind and loving and go over and beyond with their friendship. With the decision not being easy, I still made my choices.
My first thoughts were to give this Santa Award to Margie, a new friend that I meet on Rotatrix Friends Networking. She and I have become good friends and have enjoyed and discussed our love of animals. She and I are even working on putting a website together concerning our love of animals and common relationships we have on our love of horses. Margie has definitely touched my heart and soul with her kind words, her caring and giving nature and her good advise. Thank you Margie. You deserve this award! Santa would be so proud of you! I am. You are now listed on my daily reads, as I think your words and efforts are important. Your words of My menagerie of Pets is a very important issue! Santa would be proud that this award was given to you!
I am also giving this award as Santa would want me to, to another friend from Rotatrix Friends Networking Community. TERRY, again I am honored to give this award to you! Terry's Blog Life Easy Shopping and Tips, is a wonderful blog where Terry tries with great efforts to share her secrets of tools in success in making money on the Internet. She is so honest and caring within her words displayed in her blog. She has become a great friend of mine and has helped me in so many ways. Thank you so much LIFEISEASY~TERRY, you really put an effort in the realization of what you are doing to help others. This blog and the ho ho ho of what Santa thinks, fits you so well. Santa would be proud of you!
Really important to me is Daria Black and her website (she has so many) but did want to point this one out as she has worked so hard on it, and is so determined for herself and what she tires to educate others on concerning Webernet Architect Design. Daria always finds ways to reach so many people with her words and her ideas, and her importance of her gifts that she hopes to share with others, always giving ideas and help to her readers which she gives with so much of her time in research that she freely gives and it really makes a difference to so many. (I also have a link to her other site in my side bar of my daily reads. If you click it, you will understand why!) Daria touches many souls and gives gifts without us even knowing it many times. Her gifts find ways into my dreams, or things to think about or ponder upon. Thanks so much Daria. Your friendship to me is so important. Santa would be proud of me giving this award to you!
I could never leave Ms. Karen out. I have known her since I first started blogging. She somehow found her way into my life, and I am so thankful for this. She has reached me in her humor that makes me remove my keyboard before reading some of her humorous blogs due to spitting what is ever in my mouth in efforts of saving my keyboard. She has also written about such serious and deep thinking things that I have to remove my keyboard again as I do not want my tears to mess up my keyboard. She has away that makes the humor so funny, yet so serious, and with other blogs of her, just so down right human for us all to think about. Santa would be proud that I gave this award to her.
And last, I give the award back to Michele to her blog Rocky Mountain Retreat, as she is one person that has touched my soul and heart in so many ways. She works so hard to place smiles on people and give information about so many things, and with saying this, I am talking about her ability to write, her ability in her art, her ability in placing smiles among so many. Continuing with this, I mean her personal, humor, educational she gives, and so much more. I really think Santa loves her a lot. I know I do!
Ending this, I know that times are busy right now, and the ones I have given the humble award I was given from Michele, they can do what they want with it. Times are busy right now with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, their jobs, their lives, their personal stresses in front of them. I do not want them to think this honor to them has to be passed on. My whole idea of writing this blog was to just point out to my readers of how wonderful these bloggers are. And how proud SANTA would be of them!
Hugs to all the bloggers mentioned above. All are deserving of such an award and so much more!